Recently, I caught myself drifting — lost in memories of the past and thoughts of the future.
The past is both comforting but haunting. You’ve gone through it, and you already know what’s happened. And like a highlight reel, you can spend hours looking over your own footage. I spent a lot of time thinking on how to edit and adjust my footage. I was caught in a reminiscence of everything behind me.
The future is exciting but fickle. You’ve never gone through it, and you have don’t know what’s going to happen. And like a movie trailer, you can spend hours planning out your new footage. I spent a lot of time trying to direct and prepare scenes yet to come. I was caught in a rapture of everything ahead of me.
But I soon realized, I was losing touch with today. Bit by bit, it was getting washed away by the past and the future.
Could I do anything to experience a richer, fuller present?
A few things have helped me keep presence in the present:
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