Nothing is so humble

I toured the Whitney Museum of American Art yesterday, and it was enchanting.

It was the first time I listened to an audio tour. You could hear how artists conceptualized their pieces and memorialize their life in subtle meanings & messages. Highly recommend!

One specific installation that was especially vibrant was “Nothing is So Humble” — showcasing prints from everyday objects. Artists used styrofoam, banana skins, pantyhoses and other ordinary objects as their canvas.

The curators write: “The resulting surface impressions—at once precise and abstracted—capture intimate views of their commonplace subjects that teeter between recognizable and elusive. By making visible what might otherwise be overlooked, these works transform ordinary encounters into poetic and poignant accounts of our world.”

It filled me with awe. Beauty can be found in the simplest of places, if only we choose to look.

Source: Whitney Museum

Source: Whitney Museum