
Getting good means getting comfortable with patience. Showing up — again and again and again — over a long period of time begets results.

But as the process grinds on, motivation fluctuates, and it’s discipline that carries us the rest of the way. But does it always have to be a slog? I was reflecting on some of my goals, and I wondered: “How can I make this fun?”

Miraculously, it seems I can shake off the fatigue & irritation when I’m doing something enjoyable. But there’s always a “compelling” reason to avoid or stop the work for everything else.

Some things I’m trying are: 1) paying myself $5 every workout for a bigger purchase down the road, 2) stretching in the shower where my muscles are warm and relaxed, and 3) joining a choir to sing in a group versus tackling it alone.

So far, it’s revitalized a lot of my energy. How are you injecting delight in the drudgery?